Saturday, May 3, 2014

Daddy Said.......

1. Date a man who makes you happy, but marry him only if he makes you laugh deep-belly rumbles that hurt your ribs as they expand outwards. Date him when he sees that you're hurting and he gives you a moment to feel that pain like a hand-print spreading across your consciousness. Marry him only if he can make you smile even when while you gross sobbing.

The world isn't a kind place, you will feel a lot of pain. Make sure you are with someone who makes it all bearable. Humor is an excellent gauge of intelligence, life can get boring find someone who will make the banal interesting.

2. Before you say yes, get him angry. See him scared, see him wanting, see him sick. Stress changes a person. Find out if he drinks and if he does, get him drunk - you'll learn his sober thoughts. Discover his addictions. See if he puts you in front of them, you cant change a person baby girl. If they are made one way it doesn't just wear off. If you hate how he acts when he is out of it now, your going to hate it worse 8 years down the line. You may love him to bits but it doesn't change that some people just don't fit.

3. Trust your instincts!!!!

4. If he isn't in awe of you, he doesn't deserve you. You are my little girl and you were born perfect. If he can't see that it's his loss. There is someone who thinks your flaws power his heart. Be strong, if he asks you to change. Be like a rock and don't waver. You are wondrous just the way you are.

5. If he puts money before you, he'll keep pushing you to the bottom of the pile until you become his last priority. Its one thing if he cannot afford what you want, its another if he has the money but wont spring for a box of chicken mcnuggest. Money and Love are arch enemies. 62% of divorces occur due to economic strain. Make sure keeping you is more important than his 401k.

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