Friday, May 30, 2014

Venice Beach... Hollywood

Day 1 in Hollywood and we had to see the walk of fame, we did our walk through early in the morning which was the best idea ever. This place gets so busy as the day goes it would be hard to actually pay attention to all the stars. You may think I am a little lame but my favorite was Tinkerbell :), my childhood obsession with her isn't as over the top but I still dig her. I also loved Mr Depp *sigh*

So they close down the road that leads you to the Hollywood sign meaning you walk up this big hill. Its well worth it when you get up there and see the view. When we reached the top I took a second to myself because I needed to catch my breath and also because I had to enjoy the scenery. When all that was done the selfies began hahaha I had to get a picture with my progressively transitioning natural hair hence the picture you will see below. I'm kidding my friend just failed to tell me my heart was missing the holly in Hollywood lol *smh*.

Our last stop was Venice Beach I was so happy to walk on the beach because although I currently live near the beach the sand here is black. So Venice Beach was my normal for the weekend, the water was cold but I loved every minute of it. Everyone was wearing bikinis and by everyone I mean all sizes, I loved that people were so comfortable that they walked around with whatever they were comfortable in.

Rodeo Drive.....

Early this month four friends and I took the car and drove to L.A for a weekend. I was so excited about the prospect of having hot weather for a weekend that I'd forgotten about the fashion. To be honest it only sunk in the next morning after we had arrived that I was actually in L.A. I'm a South African woman who never thought she would be walking the streets of Hollywood or even Rodeo Drive. So for me this is a BIG deal, this was the highlight to my trip. Seeing these stores planted a seed of motivation in me, I want to be able to walk in to such places and for that to happen I have to work smart.

I wasn't even trying to hide how fascinated I was by everything around me lol now imagine what happens when I walk by Vera Wang. My heart does this little dance when I see her name so walking by her store well my heart was done with the little part of the dance. ;-) 

The next store that had me in heaven was Versace the only item I've ever owned was a fragrance from this store. The love I have for the quality of the brand comes from learning how the brand works and how it has come to where it is today. Back home when you were in your teenage years you always dressed to the 9s when going to the mall. the people who seemed to be from here were dressed to the 9s yet I think that was they regular dress code.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

It Doesn't interest me

The best form of happiness for me has been when I have been honest with myself. I have seen countless beings who easily judge others but have not a speck of courage to be honest with themselves. When difficult times are seen as a weakness growth is non-existent in your life. When the the external matter's and those factors determine who you let around you. Growth is yet to knock at your door. 

This weekend I learnt that I am not above anyone I see, it was a scary experience that gave me peace. Learning to look for the positive even in my worst mistakes. God put's us in the situations we see ourselves in, I am proof that you are not ruled by circumstance.  It does not interest me that you take the bus instead of having a car. What interest's me is how your looking forward to putting in the work to earn your way.

Lord help me to allow the people who see beauty in the small things in my life, the people who will see the bigger picture and not just their picture. People who bring positiveness but never be afraid to bring honesty. People who will not judge you because of your past mistakes but those who understand those mistakes were lesson's that play a part in who you are. 

It Does Not interest me who you were before what I care about is who you are now. 
It Does Not interest me what they label you as, what I care about is who you see yourself becoming.

For everyone who is on the road to discovering who they are, those who fear reality, those who see reality but turn a blind eye to it and to those who feel like they failed themselves too many times. 

The is still time.....

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Clipper Nation!!!!

I am a girly girl till the last tip of my toe BUT i LOVE basketball and the LA Clippers are my team. Last night I watched game 7 of the first round of the play offs. I was so nervous because the Warriors were making us work really hard for this win. The was a point i actually thought we wouldn't win but i remembered that Chris Paul is our captain and Doc Rivers is our coach. We could do this and indeed we did. :) 2nd round here we come #ItsTime #ClipperNation we can win this!!!!!!

Make Your Own : Ripped Jeans

My obsession with ripped jeans, they can be done in a classy way. Here is how you can make your own.

Make sure you don't take off too much, you have to leave enough to make it look classy and not high school trashy. Your a woman :) dress like one #Elegant 

100 Days of Happiness

Excuse the bunny slippers and the foot with no shoe on :) it was a test shot

So I've been seeing so many people posting about 100 days of happiness and thought to myself why not do my own. I started today, although I've been attempting to start for sometime now. Today happened and I knew it should be my day 1. I never wear anything short in public because when I was 8 years old I was involved in a bus accident that left me with 2 big scars. They both look like bad burn scars and because I am self conscious about them I avoid wearing anything that exposes them.

Today was different I woke up and thought what the heck? I can do this, I'm wearing that short dress and I'm going to be okay. Stepping out of the house was hard and the first person who looked at me made my body tense up. As the day went on I became more comfortable and to Gods honest truth. I have never had so many people tell me how beautiful and confident I looked. It made me so happy that I gave myself this chance hence why this is my Day 1. 

Saturday, May 3, 2014

High Waisted Skirts

I have a love affair with color and high waist skirts #fashion #highwaist #print

My crazy idea of photography

These were obviously taken at different times but looking through my photo's I see I have a slight obsession with taking these kind of pictures. I love the angle and I obviously love the shoes but in the one picture the main focus was meant to be the sidewalk skeletons.

My style has evolved since I have been in California, I am less afraid to wear print. Which I wouldn't dare to do back home, iv found my niche. Who knew one had to move so far for all this to occur, I thought I had all this down back home. I though I could even school others on it but here I am thankful I didn't because I'm growing into my own. Patience... lol okay I'm also starting to find lessons in everything, does this make me boring, wise or just proactive?

The real point of this post to find out what this angle is called, i know its not real photography well it isn't photography at all. Id love to learn though :)

Best Dinner location ever!!!!

So Mike and I have the most random fun together sometime last week he picked me up. We went to subway and parked at a spot where the ocean was the view. We got to see the sunset which is always amazing in Pacifica. This was all until we got cold lol we closed the top of the trunk (which from the pictures you can see is where we were sitting).

Our legs was the only notable thing that showed that the were people in the car. The back window is tinted so every car that drove past us would either hoot or slow down. I assume they thought "well their having a make out session". It was so funny, see what i meant about that random fun? and that dinner was a bonus so was this.....

Daddy Said.......

1. Date a man who makes you happy, but marry him only if he makes you laugh deep-belly rumbles that hurt your ribs as they expand outwards. Date him when he sees that you're hurting and he gives you a moment to feel that pain like a hand-print spreading across your consciousness. Marry him only if he can make you smile even when while you gross sobbing.

The world isn't a kind place, you will feel a lot of pain. Make sure you are with someone who makes it all bearable. Humor is an excellent gauge of intelligence, life can get boring find someone who will make the banal interesting.

2. Before you say yes, get him angry. See him scared, see him wanting, see him sick. Stress changes a person. Find out if he drinks and if he does, get him drunk - you'll learn his sober thoughts. Discover his addictions. See if he puts you in front of them, you cant change a person baby girl. If they are made one way it doesn't just wear off. If you hate how he acts when he is out of it now, your going to hate it worse 8 years down the line. You may love him to bits but it doesn't change that some people just don't fit.

3. Trust your instincts!!!!

4. If he isn't in awe of you, he doesn't deserve you. You are my little girl and you were born perfect. If he can't see that it's his loss. There is someone who thinks your flaws power his heart. Be strong, if he asks you to change. Be like a rock and don't waver. You are wondrous just the way you are.

5. If he puts money before you, he'll keep pushing you to the bottom of the pile until you become his last priority. Its one thing if he cannot afford what you want, its another if he has the money but wont spring for a box of chicken mcnuggest. Money and Love are arch enemies. 62% of divorces occur due to economic strain. Make sure keeping you is more important than his 401k.

Book of Achievements - Timeless Event

I love fashion and event co-ordination and this was one show I would say I am most proud of. Roof top, all white theme, beautiful night view of Johannesburg, great designers showcasing their work and an amazing turn out.

On this day I learnt two things about myself, I am my biggest enemy and I am a perfectionist. Why am I my biggest enemy? well I am the only person who controls what hurts me, demotivates me and anything negative is by choice that I let it affect me. Even when my guest's were enjoying themselves I cried because of all the imperfections I kept seeing. My imperfections was their perfection, down playing my work made me less confident. Learning to make the best of a situation and learning from it was a lesson I had to learn on a night so many celebrated what I worked hard to give them. 

Self hate is the worst kind of hate and learning to not be too hard on yourself is important. We miss the good and even the great because we continuously looking to make everything better. Take a step back and be proud of yourself for even trying. Many take a backseat and let other's work or achieve their dreams. You are part of the percentage that is taking action and filling out your book achievements. It may not be easy but its worth it for self-fulfilling purposes, our books will be filled because we aren't afraid to try.

Fear is hard to get over it took me years but I hope that isn't the case for others who are talented and possess greatness in them. The fear of rejection not only in relationships but in society is one of the reasons people with great ideas keep them to themselves. I say no matter how crazy you may think your dreams or ideas are TRY. Never Give up if you believe.....

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Full Circle: May

I have planned for you and although you just began I am thankful for the events that will occur. New beginnings come in different ways and a new month for me means a chance to do better. If April wasn't what you expected MAKE May what you want it to be. #FreshStarts